The Prague 7 administration is officially responsible for a small part of its public spaces only and the officers are entitled to solve few problems directly. Despite these limitations we are happy to help you with almost any problem you might face in your neighbourhood.


Might it be an illegal dump of garbage, hole in a pavement or a broken road sign, the best you can do is to report any problem directly to Prague 7’s Department of the Public Space.


Úřad městské části Praha 7


If you want to report inappropriate behaviour of Prague 7 Administration employee or you were not satisfied with the services, please contact Department of Inspection.


Úřad městské části Praha 7


Pořízka Jiří, Bc.

vedoucí útvaru
Na Maninách 38/1237
gsm. +420737660669


If you have a utility issue (problems with water, heating or electricity) you better contact your supplier directly. You can find the most common suppliers below.

Who to contact 

Trade Centre Praha, a.s.
Dispečink PRE distribuce, a.s.
phone.: 224 915 151, email:

TSK – Technická správa komunikací
Oblastní správa Severozápad, Bubenečská 15 (ve dvoře), Praha 6
tel.: 224 317 800, 224 321 667, email:
Web form at, or call 224 237 719

You can find phone number at the recycle bin.

PRE Distribuce a.s. , Svornosti 3199/19a, Praha 5
tel.: 1236, v případě ohrožení života tel.: 224 919 473, email:

Pražská plynárenská, a.s., Národní 37, Praha 1
tel.: 1239, email:
Zákaznická linka (po–pá 7–19 hod), tel.: 840 555 333

Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s., Pařížská 11, Praha 1,
tel.: 840 111 112, 601 274 274,  email: