archivní článek, informace již nemusí být aktuální

Prague 7 has declared a climate emergency. It will conduct an audit of its emissions, procure environmentally friendly vehicles, purchase energy from renewable resources and refuse single-use plastics.

In the park U Vody, the concrete areas will be replaced with grass; work will take place until September.

A new parking lot has opened on Jankovcova with 85 parking spots for both residents and visitors.

Be aware that untrustworthy salespeople are going door-to-door in Prague 7 offering to replace locks for CZK 4999. Door-to-door sales are prohibited in Prague.

In the 2019/2020 school year, Prague 7 will once again support extracurricular activities for children from underprivileged families. A credit for such activities can be applied for with the form you can find on the website

Prague 7 and the Prague Integration Centre have prepared summer intensive Czech courses for children with a different native language who attend schools in Prague 7. Instruction for students in grades 1–5 will take place from 8 to 26 July, for students grade 6–9 from 29 July to 16 August. Contact: Markéta Koropecká, 776 872 446,

For more information – Department of Integration of Foreigners and Ethnic Minorities, Tomáš Taich,, 220 144 190 / 603 372 148.