The Mobile Broadcast service distributes free current information from Prague 7 in Czech (cultural events, sports, transport, emergency information) based on the user’s selection by e-mail, SMS or smartphone app. You can sign up on the website, in Munipolis app or by handing in the sign-up form to the Town Hall submissions counter or an infocentre.
A Czech course for foreigners from Prague 7 will take place at the Town Hall building twice a week (Tuesdays + Thursdays) at 6:30pm starting 16 April. The course is intended for beginners and is free. Information and sign-up forms at the e-mail address, tel.: 776 872 446.
Citizens of EU member states that want to take part in the European Parliament elections on 24 and 25 May must register for the voters’ list by 14 April 2019 at the Administrative Department of the Prague 7 Town Hall (U Průhonu 11; bring ID). Also open on the weekend of 13 and 14 April from 8am to 4pm.
Mayor Jan Čižinský and Councillor for National Minorities Jakob Hurrle invite you to an informal meeting 11 April at 6pm at the restaurant Na Manince (Jateční 4).
From 12 April to 6 May, street cleaning will be taking place in Prague 7; you can find the schedule at Please move your vehicle on the given date. Town Hall has provided free parking for residents during street cleaning; you can pick up a permit at the Prague 7 Transport Department. Thank you for your cooperation.
The HolKa ferry connecting Holešovice, Štvanice and Karlín is once again running: on weekdays starting at 7am, on weekends from 8am until 7 to 9pm depending on the daylight.
Find out information about dog-owning fees at the 220 144 196 or by e-mail at: