archivní článek, informace již nemusí být aktuální

The HolKa ferry between Holešovice, Štvanice and Karlín is once again in service, starting at 7am on weekdays and 8am on weekends until 7pm to 9pm depending on the daylight. You can find current information about ferry service at

European Parliament elections will be taking place 24 May (2pm–10pm) and 25 May (8am–2pm). If you are not going to be voting in your riding, you need a voter’s card, with which you can vote anywhere in the Czech Republic. You can apply for a card in person up till 22 May at 4pm, or in writing up till 7 May at 4pm. Written applications must include the voter’s notarised signature or be sent electronically via data mailbox (not by email).

The tram tracks on Letná are being repaired; once Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše is opened, trams will be rerouted from Štefánikův most to Hlávkův most from 5 to 16 May. More information on the Town Hall website

The new tram stop Planetárium Praha in Stromovka will serve as the boarding stop for the weekend historical line 41. The ride costs CZK 35; CZK 20 for children and seniors.

On 5 May, the Volkswagen Marathon will be run through Prague. In Prague 7 the following streets will be closed: Bubenské nábřeží, Komunardů, part of Jateční and part of Jankovcova.

For more information – Department of Integration of Foreigners and Ethnic Minorities, Tomáš Taich,, 220 144 190 / 603 372 148.